Lynne Matthysen Catering
I started with myself and one assistant 25 years ago and gradually we have built this company by a slow but constant message of nothing is worth doing unless it is perfect and gives you pleasure at the same time. All our staff have come from disadvantaged communities with little education but over the years have broadened and developed their skills and some of the biggest movies shot in South Africa, Namibia and Botswana have been catered for by them. Our Team Leaders, Chefs and Craft Service personnel have received the most outstanding compliments for their catering roles in productions such as “INVICTUS” with Clint Eastwood Directing, “THE LONG WALK TO FREEDOM” and “FURY ROAD” to name only a few. I feel very proud of being part of such a dynamic team and the achievements we have made.
U1 Oude Molen Eco Village